Click HERE to set up your monthly recurring gift.
If you wish to give to the ASF African American Catholic Community by check, make checks payable to: Archdiocese of Santa Fe and please note your donation as: AACC General Ministry or AACC Scholarship in memo line.
Mail to:
Archdiocese of Santa Fe
4000 St. Joseph’s Pl. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
In the context of our multicultural church, we support and reinforce the African American Catholic family and individuals. We invite, challenge and develop an appreciation of our African American culture through liturgical, social, spiritual and educational programs. We pray that our culture will enhance the universality of the Church and the cause of evangelization.
The African American Catholic Community: A Visible, Vital, Valuable Ministry of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe:
The AACC is committed to the social, intellectual and spiritual growth of African American youth who attend Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Eligibility: Catholic/non-Catholic African American students, grades K-8, attending or planning to attend a Catholic elementary school within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and who meet financial needs requirements.
Funding Sources:
100% of your donation goes to the Fr. Rollins Scholarship Fund. We appreciate your generosity!